Appointed company
company: 深圳市高雅视光学眼镜有限公司
Position: 总经理
Introduction:欢迎你浏览深圳高雅视光学眼镜有限公司的网站。我们是一家从自眼镜设计、生产制造、销售的公司。目前公司生产的眼镜产品主要出口欧美市场,公司已帮国外知名眼镜品牌代工多年,有着丰富的设计生产经验。为开拓更广阔欧美市场,2021年开始已布局线上产品销售, 主要经营方式产品批发 ,现真诚期待与您们合作!
Welcome to visit the website of Shenzhen Gaoyashi optical glasses Co., LTD. We are a company from the design, production and sales of glasses. At present, our glasses products are mainly exported to The European and American markets. We have helped famous foreign glasses brands OEM for many years and have rich experience in design and production. In order to develop a wider European and American market, we have arranged online product sales since 2021, and the main business mode is product wholesale. Now we sincerely look forward to cooperating with you!
Supply:sun glasses,bluetooth smart glasses,reading glasses