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Ella Liu

Ella Liu(China)

SINOPED|Supplier Position:Sales manager

Appointed company

company: SINOPED
Position: Sales manager
Introduction:Since its establishment in 1947, SINOPED has been an industry titan in chemical machinery production. Leveraging over 70 years of experience, we have emerged as a top-tier supplierof advanced chemical equipment. Our focus on research, mass production, and wholesale operations setsus apart. With a wide product portfolio including fluidized bed granulation, granule coating, spray drying, solid material preparation lines, and liquid extraction / concentration systems,we have effectively served customers across 150+ countries. Our stellar reputation and customer acclaim validate our unwavering commitment to excellence.

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Ella Liu
Ella LiuPublish2024-03-28

Supply·Fruits, vegetables and soups: various fruits such as strawberries, raspberries, mangoes, lemons, apples, peaches, etc.; various vegetables such as onions, garlic, yams, purple potatoes; various insta

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