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Rock 2023-08-26 20:47:06

Product Name: CYMEL 303 LF Resin.This amino resin

SupplyProduct Name: CYMEL 303 LF Resin.
This amino resin is a highly methylated, monomeric melamine
crosslinker supplied in liquid form at ≥ 98% solids content. Its high extent
of alkylation and low tendency to self-condense make cymel 303 LF
resin a highly effective crosslinking agent for a broad range of
applications such as can, container, automotive and general industrial
coatings. While Cymel 303 LF resin is insoluble in water, it shows
excellent compatibility with water-soluble backbone polymers and
provides very good stability in amine-stabilized waterborne formulations.

10206 presentations, 2449 access
Rock Author
Rock(China) Shanghai Xiaogen New Materials Technology Co., Ltd. Manager|Supplier
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