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Х8Group 2024-09-05 19:08:01

Sapropel (from the Greek sediments of freshwater r

SupplySapropel (from the Greek
sediments of freshwater reservoirs, which were formed from dead aquatic vegetation, remains of
living organisms, plankton, as well as particles of soil humus, containing a large amount of organic
matter, humus. It is used in agriculture and animal husbandry.
In agriculture, freshwater
a loose state). It is especially effective when used on acidic and light sandy and sand soils,
as well as to increase the humus content in soils (the dose for grain crops is 30
vegetables, potatoes and fodder root crops
use of sapropel as a fertilizer improves the mechanical structure of soils, water absor
water retention capacity and aeration, increases humus in the soil, activates soil processes.
Sapropel fertilizer promotes the mobilization of soil composition, leads to self
pathogenic plants, fungi and harmful microorganisms. The
large number of microelements, such as: Co, Mn, Cu, B, Br, Mo, V, Cr, Be, Ni, Ag, Sn, Pb, As, Ba,
Sr, Ti, rich in vitamins of group B (B1, B12, B3, B6), E,
example, catalases, peroxidases, reductases, proteases.
Sapropel fertilizers are a unique product, the only organic fertilizer used for radical
improvement (reclamation) and soil sanitation.
In animal husbandry, Sapropel, rich in calcium, iron, and phosphorus salts, without sa
poor clay, is added to the diets of farm animals as a mineral supplement (pigs up to 1.5 kg, cows
up to 1.5 kg, chicken0-15 g per day).

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Х8Group(Russia) Х8Group Директор Latypov Ilnur|Supplier
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